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Melissa McCarthy Weight Loss Revealed On Ellen!

Melissa McCarthy has taken a lot of heat lately mainly for using this controversial method celebrities use to burn fat within WEEKS. She wanted to drop down a few dress sizes for the new Ghostbusters movie. However, she did NOT realize the backlash she would receive for using this “magical” weight loss supplement. She especially didn’t foresee ‘Mike and Molly’ getting canceled because of it.
“I.. just.. I can’t believe it! They’re canceling an amazing show JUST because I decided to finally be healthy. It makes no sense! They said I no longer fit the part, which is outrageous. It all started when some of my colleagues recommended Garcinia Cambogia Diet Pills, something they had seen on a Dr. Beth Collins episode. When your life revolves around being on camera and on stage, you always have to look good for the fans and for yourself. I saw a HUGE difference in less than a week!”

"TMZ Exclusive Interview Featuring McCarthy – “I.. just.. I can’t believe it! They’re cancelling an amazing show JUST because I decided to finally be healthy. It makes no sense! They said I no longer fit the part, which is outrageous. It all started when some of my colleagues recommended Garcinia Cambogia, something they had seen on a Dr. Beth Collins episode. It didn’t take long after my consult with Dr. Beth Collins to notice results. I saw a HUGE difference in less than a week!”

(Doctor Beth Collins and Paula Levi discuss Garcinia Cambogia and how it helped her lose 30 pounds.)

When we asked her about exercise, Melissa told us “Honestly, I couldn’t have done it if I’d even wanted to! *laughs* No, I didn’t need to exercise every day. I’ve always liked to jog every few days, but I didn’t change my routine. The only thing I did was took these pills. They’re a natural weight loss supplement called Garcinia Cambogia. They’re totally safe.”

Melissa McCarthy claims the Garcinia Cambogia diet was the key factors in losing 50+ lbs. in just five weeks!

Losing weight often feels like an impossible challenge. We have evaluated numerous fad diets over the years. All too frequent the results are just shy of being painfully disappointing.
The reason why most diets fail, in our opinion, is that they impose unrealistic restrictions on how you live your life. Many dietitians say eat lots of protein others emphasize carbohydrates. In either case, you’re left with having to make rather drastic changes to the types of food you eat, when you eat it. In this monthly issue, Our sponsors gave us a free monthly supply of Pure Garcinia Cambogia so we can take an in-depth look at an emerging and promising weight loss trend.
Selena Gomez Used Garcinia

Nevertheless, as we began to investigate the countless success stories reported by celebrities from around the world. We decided that this fat loss trend was worth a closer examination. The above celebrities had not significantly changed their current lifestyles or food consumption.


  1. Increases the speed of Metabolism by 70%
  2. The High Levels of HCA boost Adipocytes production of Leptins by 130% which cuts your appetite down.
  3. Boost energy Levels

For the TMZ Test, the free bottles of Pure Garcinia Cambogia were delivered in just a few short days and only charged us for shipping. Garcinia Cambogia is one of the most concentrated and purest forms of Garcinia on the market. It was our shared opinion that this would give me the most accurate results for my test. Below you can see my results and read about them.

My Results – I lost 31 lbs of stomach fat in just one month using the Garcinia Cambogia diet!

  • 1. Take one Garcinia Cambogia capsule in the morning
  • 2. Optional (But encouraged!): Mix it with a fruit infused water recipe of your choice


One week after the garcinia diet I was surprised at the dramatic results. My energy level was up, and I wasn’t even hungry. A welcomed side effect of the Garcinia Cambogia diet is its power to curb the appetite.
Best of all, I didn’t even change anything about my daily routine. On Day 7, I got on the scale and couldn’t believe my eyes. I had lost 4.5 lbs. But I still wasn’t convinced, since they say you lose a lot of water weight at the beginning of any diet. I wanted to wait and see the results in the upcoming weeks.


After 3 weeks, all my doubts and skepticism had absolutely vanished! I am down, from a 40 to a 36 pant size after losing another 15.5 lbs. And I still have a ton of energy. Quite often, around the third week of other diets, you tend to run out of steam. But with the Garcinia Cambogia my energy levels don’t dip, instead, they remain steady throughout the day.


After the fourth week, my final results were shocking. I lost an unbelievable 31 lbs since starting the Garcinia Cambogia diet! Actually, everyone at TMZ headquarters is kicking themselves for not having volunteered to be the guinea pig. Using Garcinia Cambogia in week 4, I lost an additional 11 lbs.

Conclusion: Like us, here at TMZ, you might be a little doubtful about the effects of this diet, but you need to try it for yourself; the results are real. After conducting our own personal study we are pleased to see that people really are finding success with it (myself included). And you have nothing to lose. To order your bottle, follow the links I have provided and know that you are getting a quality product that works; no strings attached!
You can reach your weight loss goals with the Garcinia Cambogia diet!
EDITOR’S NOTE: For a limited time, the Official Suppliers of Garcinia Cambogia have agreed to offer a FREE Monthly Supply to our readers.

Mike and Molly star Melissa McCarthy recently appeared on the Ellen show looking fantastic. The comedic actress unveiled her new look, after having dropped a jaw-dropping 45 pounds. She took the stage in a size 14 outfit. The last time she visited with Ellen, she was wearing a size 20.

Ellen was keen to discover what it took for Melissa to transform herself so completely. Melissa didn’t let much out of the bag, but did reveal that she had fallen in love with working out. She also explained how she’d learnt the foolishness of following calorie restricted diets.
Melissa’s new, healthy lifestyle follows the Mediterranean diet model. She explained to Ellen that it gave her more freedom in food selection and was all built around slowing down with your eating and really savoring your food.
As a result of her new eating and exercising regimen, Melissa feels a lot more in control of her life. She is more able to stay on top of her busy movie schedule, and finds the time to look after herself a lot more than she used to. As a result, her career, and her private life are going from strength to strength.
If you’ve seen the trailer for Melissa McCarthy’s latest comedy, The Boss, you couldn’t have helped to notice that the former Gilmore Girl star is a much trimmer version of her former self. In fact, she’s lost 45 pounds over the last twelve months, completely transforming her image in the process. Read on to discover how she went from a sixe 20 to a 14 in next to no time at all.

Weight Loss Success Stories


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